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Plumbing and Home improvement Budget

Over the years of performing residential plumbing and home improvement projects I determined one thing. Plumbing budgets are non existent, not to say there isn't an exception here and there but... Upon encountering different emergency Plumbing issues I always asked the question. What would someone do if there wasn't funding options available? Maybe I figured my customer's had a budget for such sudden expenses. So I asked the question every time, "Mr or Mrs do you have a plumbing budget? And the answer was almost exclusively NO. Moving forward the suggestion to my non emergency maintenance customers was to establish a Plumbing budget. if they didn't have one already. My experience with these catastrophic events led me to understand the importance of this concept.

So if you're reading this and your a homeowner take it from someone that has experienced countless of events where emergency's take place. Plumbing is a vital component to home function and comfort. Use this knowledge and spread it because every homeowner should have a "Plumbing Budget" even if its to offset some of the "sudden" financial hit that comes with plumbing problems.

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